Artificial Artwork


Run a demo NST, on sample Content and Style Images:

mkdir art
export NST_HOST_MOUNT="$PWD/art"

# Run containerized NST, and exit container upon finish
docker-compose up

Check out your Generated Image!
Artificial Artwork: art/canoe_water_w300-h225.jpg+blue-red_w300-h225.jpg-100.png

xdg-open art/canoe_water_w300-h225.jpg+blue-red_w300-h225.jpg-100.png


Run the nst CLI with the --help option to see the available options.

docker run boromir674/neural-style-transfer:1.0.2 --help


Installation from pypi

pip install artificial-artwork

Only python3.8 wheel is included atm.

Installation from source:

git clone
pip install ./neural-style-transfer

The Neural Style Transfer - CLI heavely depends on Tensorflow (tf) and therefore it is crucial that tf is installed correctly in your Python environment.